Torrone al Pan di Spagna “Benevento” Ricoperto


Torrone al Pan di Spagna “Benevento” Ricoperto in 130 g case, 16 pieces per carton.

SKU: 0026 Categories: ,
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Product Format: 130 g

Pieces per carton: 16

Primary packaging and size : bag

Secondary packaging and size : Case

Tertiary packaging and dimensions: Exhibitor / Display mm L 280 x L105 x H215

Gross weight of tertiary packaging: kg 3 – 5.8 lb

T.M.C .: 12 months

Recommended temperature to avoid product alteration: + 5 ° C + 18 ° C

Ancient flavors and aromas mix with each other in order to recall ancient scents of the recipes of the past. Nougat Sponge Cake with Liqueur prepared with a simple and ancient recipe in order to give a unique flavor to each bite. For the realization of the Sponge Cake with Liqueur the best products are selected in order to make its taste unique.